When refreshing the identity for Hoff and Leigh, Neon Pig Creative pursued a clean, contemporary, and modern look to underscore the 30+ years of experience that Hoff & Leigh brings to its brokers, as well as their clients. This modern take is reflected within their business cards and letterhead collateral
Hoff & Leigh is a full service commercial real estate brokerage located in Colorado Springs, Castle Rock, Denver, as well as Northeast Ohio. It was Neon Pig Creative’s goal not to just design a custom website for their potential clients, but to create a comprehensive tool that utilized advanced search options and payment functionalities for their brokers and staff.
It was very important to us that the overall experience of the website was clean, professional, and highlighted the Hoff & Leigh brand.
We don’t bite, feel free to call us.
Monday – Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm MDT
Fridays 7:30am to 12 noon
Neon Pig Creative implements summer hours between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
76 S Sierra Madre St Unit F,
Colorado Springs,
CO 80903