Brown’s Greens

Brown’s Greens


Brown’s Greens

Brown’s Greens brand already has a head start because of their great name. Owned and operated by Zach Brown, this Colorado Springs urban agriculture & landscaping company is promoting positive global change by starting at the local level.

Zach approached Neon Pig seeking a comprehensive rebrand—everything from a revamped logo suite to freshened up collateral and a brand new custom website. Brown’s Greens’ previous mark featured a bell pepper, and often led to brand confusion about the services they offered. With the refreshed iconography, we tried to make it much more clear about what Zach and his team actually do.

The mark effectively represents Brown’s Greens as a modern, clean company, while (quite literally) remaining true to its down-home roots.


Brown’s Greens

While the color palette for Brown’s Greens remains earthy and humble, it was important for them to be shown as a clean, efficient company. A crisp looking stationery suite was critical in setting Zach apart as a true professional—not just some kid looking to make a few extra bucks by raking yards.

Neon Pig also recommended a door hanger piece with clear calls-to-action and steps to take if one was interested in Zach’s services.

Website Design

Brown’s Greens

The key to Brown’s Greens success was in a highly effective, functional website that offered a great user experience. Zach needed scheduling functionality built in for people to request services as well as a member login portal. The custom build was designed and developed by Neon Pig.


We don’t bite, feel free to call us.

Monday – Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm MDT
Fridays 7:30am to 12 noon

Neon Pig Creative implements summer hours between Memorial Day and Labor Day.


76 S Sierra Madre St Unit F,
Colorado Springs,
CO 80903

Cage Code: 9A7A7


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